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Academy members have access to a wide array of member benefits and resources — from complimentary CPE opportunities and evidence-based tools, to prospects for networking to engage you professionally. Membership makes a difference and helps you practice, advocate and lead within the profession.
Annual Dues: $234.00
Processing Fee: $25.00
Membership Year: June 1-May 31
Brochure | Application | Employer Brochure
Active Membership is available to any person who meets one or more of the following qualifications:
Privileges of Active Membership: Active members whose dues are not in arrears shall be entitled one vote in each matter subject to member vote and are eligible to hold elected and appointed offices and positions at the national level. Active members shall be eligible to hold elected and appointed offices and positions at the affiliate level as designated by the affiliate dietetic association.
This program offers reduced dues rates for members in their first five years of Active category membership eligibility. Dues increase incrementally each year for up to five years to help you get established in the profession. The Career Starter Dues Program allows you to renew your Academy membership at a significantly reduced rate, giving you the financial flexibility and time to learn how to take advantage of the various services the Academy offers.
The graduated dues are offered in a tiered structure based on your RD/RDN or DTR/NDTR eligibility date on file with the Commission on Dietetics Registration. Graduation date can be used in lieu of eligibility date for those who do not pursue a CDR credential. Student members who recently established eligibility for a CDR credential will automatically be moved into this program and Active category membership during the next membership renewal cycle.
Please email the Academy's Member Service Center or call 800/877-1600, Option 1. Representatives are available weekdays 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Central time).
Annual Dues: $58.00
Processing Fee: None
Membership Year: June 1-May 31
Note: This category carries a eight-year limit.
Brochure | Application | Returning Student Application
Student Membership is available to any person who meets one or more of the following qualifications:
Privileges of Student Membership: Student members whose dues are not in arrears shall have a right to vote in national or affiliate elections and be eligible to hold appointed positions at the national and affiliate levels if a resident of the United States or US Territories. Student members shall not have a right to hold elected positions on the national or affiliate levels.
Not sure if your dietetics or supervised practice program qualifies you for student membership? Search for accredited and approved education programs.
Annual International Dues: $170.00
Annual International Student Dues: $58.00
Processing Fee: $25.00 (not required for International Student)
Membership Year: June 1-May 31
Member Brochure | Member Application | Student Member Brochure | Student Member Application | International Verification Form
Emerging Economy Dues: Individuals qualifying for International membership residing in countries classified as lower middle income or low income by The World Bank are eligible for an emerging economy dues adjustment. Email us for additional information.
Note: In accordance with U.S. sanctions laws, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics cannot accept as members persons from the countries embargoed by the United States, including Iran, Syria, Cuba, North Korea and the Crimea region of Ukraine, or who are subject to any U.S. list-based sanctions.
International membership is available to any person who:
Privileges of International Membership:
The Academy is unable to process applications for membership without International Verification documentation. If you are unable to obtain a signature for the International Member Verification Form, email membership@eatright.org for acceptable alternate document options. The International Verification documentation must be provided within 30 days of application (or a notification must be received from the applicant within 30 days advising when it will be returned). If International Verification documentation is not provided or if you do not qualify for Academy membership, the Academy will cancel the application and refund payment.
Annual Dues: $117.00
Processing Fee: None
Membership Year: June 1-May 31
Available to any dietetics professional qualifying for the Active membership category who is:
Privileges of Retired Membership: Retired members whose dues are not in arrears shall be entitled to the rights of the Active membership category with the exception of programs that are member category specific.
Interested in moving to the Retired member category? Contact the Academy Member Service Center by email or phone at 800/877-1600, Option 1 (Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Central Time) for assistance. The representative will ask for confirmation of your retirement status and your birth date to verify eligibility. Your membership category will be changed and you can then renew over the telephone, request an invoice to renew with a check by mail or opt to login and renew online.
Annual Dues: $170.00
Processing Fee: $25.00
Membership Year: June 1-May 31
Practitioners in a wide variety of fields related to health care, sports and fitness, and food, culinary and school nutrition may now join the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics as an Academy Associate. Associates have access to extensive benefits, including the Academy's Evidence Analysis Library, professional publications, networking opportunities and preferred pricing on resources and conferences.
Available to any person who meets one or more of the following qualifications:
* Indicates proof of related degree required in addition to proof of license, or certification in the specified profession. Other professional designations only require proof of license, training or certification.
2. Has a bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree from a U.S. college or university recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) in agriculture, biochemistry, computer science, family and consumer science, home economics, hospitality and tourism, hotel restaurant and institutional management, microbiology, public health or public policy. Requires submission of original transcripts or confirming statements from the registrar for qualifying degree.
Privileges of Associate Membership: Associate members whose fees are not in arrears shall have access to applicable Academy benefits, products, and services and be eligible to hold appointed positions at the national, affiliate (state), and dietetics practice and member interest group (DPG and MIG) levels, with the exception of those listed below.
Associate members shall NOT have the right to:
Associate members are not eligible for the programs, products or services below:
Special Note: The Academy is unable to process applications for membership without required documentation. Documentation must be provided within 30 days of application (or a notification must be received from the applicant within 30 days advising when it will be received). If documentation is not provided or if you do not qualify for Academy membership, the Academy will cancel the application and refund payment.
Foundation programs and funding opportunities available to Academy members include scholarships, awards, fellowships, research grants, and disaster relief funding, while the Academy offers its National Honors and Awards program and its Fellow (FAND) program. Foundation opportunities for Academy members include:
Academy membership provides access to a variety of resources that help take your career to the next level at any stage — from student to seasoned professional.
The Academy offers an impressive array of resources to cultivate your skills through multi-disciplinary learning opportunities and enhanced technology. Select from a variety of free and member-priced resources to best fit your professional development needs. Academy members enjoy significant discounts on educational products and programs.
eatrightPREP for the RDN includes:
1000+ pretest and test questions
3 full-length practice tests
2 full-length, timed tests that simulate the RDN Exam experience
500 flashcards
eatrightPREP for the NDTR includes:
500+ pretest and practice questions
2 full-length practice tests
1 full-length, timed test that simulates the NDTR Exam experience
60 flashcards
The Academy is an active community of professionals sharing knowledge, skills and ideas. Get ahead by connecting with practitioners in your specialty area or from other food and nutrition fields.
To achieve its vision, the Academy works with policy leaders at every level of government to promote health and reduce the burden of chronic disease through nutrition services and interventions. The Academy’s Washington, D.C. office provides a link between you, Congress, and government agencies.
The Academy is dedicated to setting the direction for the profession of nutrition and dietetics through practice and science.
Academy membership includes subscriptions to peer-reviewed and award-winning publications. In addition, members receive preferred pricing on scientific and practical information resources in print, electronic and web-based formats.
Take advantage of even more benefits, such as discounts on professional resources and insurance.
Assistance for Academy members regarding membership, products, services, and dietetics-related topics is only a call or email away.
Access to benefits may vary based on membership category. Contact us with any questions.
Members of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics receive exciting benefits including complimentary continuing professional education opportunities, discounts on events and products in eatrightSTORE.org, invitations to exclusive members-only events and more!