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Outstanding Social Media Award

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' Outstanding Social Media Award recognizes creative, innovative and effective engagement with the public through social media platforms and blogs. Recipients of the Outstanding Social Media Award consistently produce original and on trend content that is accessible to the public, respectful of all users and includes creative uses of rich media to support their messaging.

View Nomination Tips and Guidance (PDF)


  1. A member of the Academy.
  2. The social media profile(s) and/or blog(s) must be accessible to the public.
  3. Posting and engagement should be regular and consistent.
  4. Content should be on trend and original (written/produced by the nominee).
  5. Activity should include creative uses of rich media (memes, gifs, artwork) to support messaging.
  6. Nominee must demonstrate respect and civility to all users.

Scoring Criteria

  1. Social media profile(s) and/or blog(s) are accessible to the public. (20 points)
  2. Posting and engagement are regular and consistent. (20 points)
  3. Content is on trend and original (written/produced by the nominee) (30 points)
  4. Utilizes creative uses of rich media (memes, gifs, artwork) to support messaging. (10 points)
  5. Demonstrates respect and civility to all users. (20 points)

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