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Nutrition Research Network

Conducting, supporting and promoting practice-based research that answers questions important to dietetics practice, the Nutrition Research Network is comprised of practitioners, researchers and students from a variety of practice settings and specialties, and with a wide range of experience and expertise in research—from beginners to experts. About 58 percent of Nutrition Research Network members have master's degrees and 10 percent have PhDs. The rest hold associate's or bachelor's degrees or are dietetics students.

The Nutrition Research Network:

  • promotes the importance and value of practice-based research, which is the design and implementation of research projects that draw from the knowledge and understanding of practicing clinicians. The infrastructure of the network provides ongoing support for practice-based research projects as well as dissemination of that research.
  • answers the questions important to dietetics practice and to promoting nutritional health of all people. The Network advocates for policies, strategies and funding that support practice-based research outcomes and also directly engages in research projects that improve nutrition care. The Network shares research outcomes with dietetics practitioners, other clinicians and the public to promote better health through evidence-based nutrition care.
  • advances the practice of dietetics as a profession and enhances the research skills of its members by providing opportunities to participate in research and by linking practicing clinicians with investigators experienced in clinical and health services research. The Nutrition Research Network also collaborates with other practice-based research networks and funders and actively seeks input from state affiliates, dietetic practice groups, the Academy's Washington, D.C., office and other stakeholders to identify gaps in research in the field of dietetics and nutrition care of patients.
  • provides technical support and guidance to RDNs conducting research and to projects that contribute to the evidence base for the effectiveness of nutritional interventions and to the development of best practices for care. This evidence base also helps make the case for increased reimbursement for RDNs.

Get Involved

Nutrition Research Network participation is open and free to all Academy members! In addition to receiving monthly announcements and updates about research projects and resources, members can propose projects to the network team or explore opportunities to collaborate on relevant nutrition research. The Nutrition Research Network does not fund studies, but staff will work with members to obtain funding for projects that are approved by the Academy's Council on Research. There are also opportunities participate in other research initiatives at the Academy.

For those who are interested in research but are not sure how to get more involved, the Academy's eMentoring program offers a way to make professional connections, gain and share knowledge and even earn continuing professional education credits. Experienced researchers who want to give a boost to the next generation of RDNs involved in research can volunteer as mentors in this program. For example, mentors may serve as a sounding boards to help mentees think critically about their research questions, study design options, data collection methods and statistical analysis plan. Based on their experience and knowledge of research, mentors may identify issues of feasibility and logistics, help with problem solving and suggest potential partnerships and resources, such as software recommendations and statistics consultants. Mentors can also help with the publication process by providing writing strategies, suggesting possible journals and conferences and offering tips on submissions and authorship guidelines.

Learn about current study recruitment, workgroup positions, mentoring opportunities and research resources by joining the Nutrition Research Network.

Nutrition Research Network Projects

The Nutrition Research Network has been involved in collaboratively planning and executing the following projects:

  • Diabetes Certificate of Training and Impact on RDN Practice (2017-2019)
  • Food and Nutrition Security Member Survey Webinar (2016)
  • Prevention of Diabetes Guideline Usage and Impact on Care (2014-2016)
  • Clinical Nutrition Managers DPG Productivity and Staffing Study (Part 2: 2016)
  • Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine Survey (2015)
  • Malnutrition Clinical Characteristics Validation Pilot (2014)
  • Clinical Nutrition Managers DPG Productivity and Staffing Study (Part 1: 2013-2014)
  • Nutrition Research Network Member Needs Assessment Study (2013-2014)
  • Reliability and Validity Testing of a Checklist for Quality Nutrition Education Programs (2013-2014)
  • MyLIFE Preventing Breast Cancer Recurrence through a Tailored Lifestyle Intervention (2012-present)
  • Diabetes Evidence Based Nutrition Practice Guideline Pilot Study (2011-2013)
  • BMI2 (Brief Motivational Interviewing) (2009-2013)
  • Evidence Based Nutrition Practice Guideline Toolkit Tests (2006-present)
  • North Carolina Blue Cross Blue Shield MNT for Weight Loss (2006-2009)
  • Standardized Language Validation (2006)
  • IDOS (International Diabetes Outcomes Study) (2003-2006)
  • CTMEE (Critical thinking in Measuring Energy Expenditure (2003, 2005-2006)
  • Nutrition Research Network member Descriptive Study (2005)

The Nutrition Research Network has assisted with recruiting RDNs for the following projects but was not involved in the planning phases:

  • Validity Testing of a Cultural and Linguistic Competency Self-Assessment tool for Dietitians
  • A Trial of an Oral Nutritional Supplement in Older Hospitalized Patients


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