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Nutrition Intervention

Key Points:

  • Nutrition Intervention is the third step in the Nutrition Care Process.
  • Nutrition Intervention is customized to meet the unique needs of the client.
  • The Nutrition Intervention is driven by the Nutrition Assessment and Diagnosis steps, and it is used to resolve a problem by altering or eliminating the root cause of the nutrition diagnosis, also known as the etiology.
  • Nutrition Intervention requires planning and implementation (action) and both phases use defined nutrition intervention terminology.

The purpose of Nutrition Intervention is to plan and implement purposeful actions intended to positively change or improve a nutrition related problem. The nutrition intervention should be directed at the etiology or root cause of the nutrition problem identified in the PES statement. However, in  cases when the RDN cannot impact the etiology, the nutrition intervention may be directed towards alleviating the signs and symptoms.

There are two phases in the Nutrition Intervention step: The planning phase (the RDN collaborates with clients to identify goals of the intervention and expected outcomes; prioritize the nutrition interventions based on client preference, urgency, impact potential and available resources; writes a Nutrition Prescription; determines a specific, science-based nutrition intervention strategy; and defines time and frequency of care) and the implementing phase (the RDN collaborate with the client to carry out the plan of care, individualizes the plan, communicates the plan of nutrition care, modifies the plan of care as needed and continues data collection, follows up to verify that the plan is being implemented, and revises strategies based on changes in condition or response to intervention).

Nutrition intervention terminology is categorized into 5 domains:

  • Food and/or Nutrient Delivery includes nutrition intervention terms that describe the customized food and/or nutrient approach for a client.
  • Nutrition Education addresses either a new knowledge requirement or knowledge deficit.
  • Nutrition Counseling interventions are used to create priorities, goals, and individualized action plans through a collaborative counselor–client relationship.
  • Coordination of Nutrition Care by a Nutrition Care Professional is related to referral or coordination of nutrition care with other healthcare providers, institutions or agencies that can assist in treating or managing nutrition-related problems.
  • Population-Based Nutrition Action contains interventions designed to improve the nutritional well-being of a population.

When documenting the nutrition intervention, keep the following questions in mind:
Are the goals identified and SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time defined)?
Do the goals consider client needs and values?
Is the nutrition prescription written to help achieve client goals?
Is the nutrition intervention directed at changing the etiology of the PES statement?

Visit the Academy’s eNCPT for additional tutorials and to subscribe for more Nutrition Care Process resources, explanation and narratives, terminology sheets, reference sheets and more.

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