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Endorsement Policy


The Academy is a professional society. Its purpose is to further the mutual professional interests of nutrition and dietetics professionals. Decisions related to endorsement requests will be determined by the Academy President, President-elect and Immediate Past President in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer.

Endorsement of Commercial Products and Services. Except for products or services offered to Academy members in collaboration between the Academy and the provider of such products or services, for instance professional liability insurance products or financial services, the Academy does not endorse commercial products or services.

Endorsement of Positions or Statements of External Organizations. The Academy does not endorse positions or statements developed by external organizations unless (a) the position or statement is consistent with a position previously developed and approved by the Academy; or (b) the position or statement has been reviewed and approved in accordance with a formal Academy process of review and approval; or (c) the Academy has actively participated in drafting and approving the position in accordance with its established policies. The policy does not preclude the Academy's endorsement of positions or statements made in the context of legislative or regulatory processes that are consistent with the mission and public policy efforts of the Academy.

Endorsement, Promotion or Support of External Organizations. The Academy does not endorse, promote or support external organizations unless the organization's vision and mission align with the Academy's vision, mission and strategic goals and the organization is of mutual professional interest of nutrition and dietetics professionals. The Academy does not endorse, promote or support political or religious affiliated organizations.

Endorsement of Affiliate and District Projects. The Academy will approve and provide written endorsement for projects of affiliate and district associations when projects support the Academy's vision, mission and strategic goals and are approved by the respective affiliate and district associations.

Tax Exempt Status. The tax-exempt status of the Academy requires it to utilize its resources to fulfill its tax-exempt purpose and serve the stated mission of the organization. Endorsement, promotion or support of causes not related to food and nutrition may be considered outside the permitted uses of the Academy's tax-exempt status.

Member Expectations. As a professional society, Academy members expect dues to be spent to support the purpose of the organization. Members have a legal right to enforce this expectation. If dues dollars are used to promote causes outside of the Academy's mission and the nutrition and dietetics space, a lawsuit could be brought by members against the Academy and its Board for misuse of funds.

Applicability. This policy applies to the Academy and its organizational units, including, but not limited to, its dietetic practice groups and member interest groups.

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